Breathwork is a pathway for healing and transformation. it’s a  technique where you consciously control your breathing which influences your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical state. It helps you to get liberated from deeply rooted traumas and fears and to create a space to live from our full potential.

Breathwork allows you to disconnect from your mind and enter different states of consciousness, and bring you to a deeper state of divinity, connection, aliveness, creativity, clarity, love and presence.

Breathwork is a little rebirth, a renaissance.

Breathwork for Healing and Transformation


The benefits of breathwork are vast and varied, touching every aspect of our being: Some of the benefits:

  • Releases deep-seated emotions: Breathwork offers a safe space to release feelings of judgment, guilt, fear, shame, and anger, fostering compassion towards oneself and others.

  • Access to suppressed emotions: Through breathwork, we can access and process emotions that we may have suppressed or denied, granting permission to feel and heal.

  • Liberation from old patterns: By releasing old programming and unconscious survival patterns, breathwork empowers us to make conscious choices and rewrite our stories, freeing us from limiting beliefs and behaviors.

  • Freedom from fears, phobias and toxins: Breathwork helps to liberate us from deeply rooted fears, anger, and emotional toxins, allowing us to live authentically and align with our natural desires and passions.

  • Access to unconscious memories: Through deep breathing and conscious awareness, breathwork can unearth unconscious memories relevant to our healing journey, facilitating profound insights and transformation.

  • Deepens consciousness and inspiration: Breathwork creates a heightened state of consciousness, expanding awareness and inspiring us to live from our fullest potential, guided by our inner wisdom and intuition.

  • Mental clarity: Breathwork helps to calm the mind, enhance focus, and promote clarity of thought, allowing for greater mental acuity and concentration.

  • Increased intuition: By deepening our connection to our breath and inner self, breathwork can heighten intuition, allowing us to tap into our innate wisdom and intuition more readily.

  • Improved physical health: Consistent breathwork practice can strengthen the respiratory system, enhance lung capacity, and boost overall physical vitality and well-being.

  • Emotional balance: Breathwork provides a powerful tool for processing and releasing emotions, fostering greater emotional resilience, balance, and inner peace.

  • Stress reduction: Deep, conscious breathing activates the body’s relaxation response, reducing stress levels, promoting relaxation, and fostering a sense of calm and ease.

  • Enhanced creativity: Breathwork can unlock creativity by quieting the mind, expanding awareness, and opening up channels for inspiration and innovation.

  • Release of tension and trauma: Through focused breathing techniques, breathwork facilitates the release of stored tension, trauma, and emotional blockages, promoting healing and emotional freedom.

  • Increased energy and vitality: By oxygenating the body and stimulating energy flow, breathwork can boost vitality, increase energy levels, and promote a sense of aliveness and vitality.

  • Enhanced self-awareness: Breathwork encourages introspection and self-reflection, deepening self-awareness and fostering personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Spiritual growth: Breathwork has long been used as a tool for spiritual exploration and awakening, facilitating deeper connections to the self, others, and the universe, and supporting spiritual growth and evolution.

“Breathwork is Medicine without taking any Medicine. It’s a pathway to Healing and Transformation.”

- Kristine

Who is Kristine?

Ph.D., certified in Breathwork and a Reiki Master, Kristine seamlessly blends ancient practices with modern knowledge. She embarked on a self-discovery spiritual journey in 2015 and Breathwork was her path for healing and transformation.  Leaving behind her corporate and academic duties she traveled the world, experiencing meditation, yoga, shamanism, energy work and different spiritual practices. She has been teaching breathwork in many Breathwork teacher trainings and retreats past many yeras. and AtmaBreath is School registered in International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). 

Kristine’s journey into meditation led her to the serene halls of a Buddhist temple, where she immersed herself in the profound teachings of mindfulness. One of the very important spiritual paths for her spiritual growth was the Wat Paa Sang Tham temple (Thailand), where she stayed to deepen her practice on meditation (Vipassana, Anapanasati).

Her dedication to inner exploration extended to the shamanic path where she experienced the healing power of shamanic medicine and last years she was co-holding transformative shamanic retreats.

With a rich tapestry of experiences, Kristine brings a holistic approach to her teachings. Her background is a harmonious blend of Breathwork, Reiki, meditation, and shamanic wisdom, creating a space for profound healing and spiritual growth. As a guide, Kristine is not just an instructor; she is a living testament to the transformative power of the practices she shares.

3 days breathwork healing retreat

What might You experience during a Breathwork session?

There is no limit to what might occur for you during a session, just remember in Breathwork there’s no good and no bad experience, you will get what you are ready to take in.

Breathwork, a pathway Breathwork for Healing and transformation, can align your body and its energy, and create a revelatory and healing experience. You might have rebirth and past life experiences, you might have Mystical experiences such as connecting with your ancestors, getting messages and connecting with the Divinity.

Breathwork also can connect you with different layers of your body, correspondently you might experience Release in your physical, emotional and energetic bodies. You might have transpersonal experiences, flashbacks or visons.

The most important way to learn if it’s useful and helpful for you is to experience it for yourself. I look forward to holding a safe space for you, to serving you and your journey.   



BREATHWORK TRAININGS (later please show me how to link this with the correspondents events)

Additional options for Breathwork for Healing and Transformation with Kristine


Private sessions can be done in-person or virtually. 

In a private session, you will receive personal attention, and a combination of counseling, integration, energy work, and breathwork. 

Kristine creates a safe space so you can dive deep into your wounds, fears, phobias, and traumas to bring them insurface, and release them.

Kristine offers 90-minute, 120-minute and 150 minute sessions for individuals and couples, email

There are different packages from 1 to 10. Book now


Kristine has a collaborative Breathwork Teacher Training Course with Breathwork Master Prem Luca.

The Course is designed to train you as a breathwork facilitator, to give you all tools to hold a safe space for others. It is designed to give you the time for integration, to embody and practice what we teach.

Above that, this course is also a healing and an inner transformation journey.

Upcoming TTC


Kristine holds different Breathwork intensive retreats in different countries.

The retreats are designed to help you to face your blockages, fears, traumas, emotions and feelings that you maybe have avoided your whole life. We create a safe space so you can let them go. reconnect with your true self and and step into you power. 

You will also meet a like-minded people who will support you in your journey.

Upcoming Retreats

*all sessions must be booked and paid in advance
*no refunds/credits for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice for sessions, classes, workshops, circles


Photos from the breathwork sessions


  • Is Breathwork safe?
    Breathwork is a save practice if done with a certified and experienced Breathwork. However, there are certain health conditions that are contradictory to breathwork. For this reason, before taking your first session you should have a consultation with the Breathwork therapist.
    Also it is highly recommended that breathwork be used in conjunction with ongoing therapy and integration or counseling, as it can induce non-ordinary states of consciousness and give an opportunity to work through and overcome any emotions, fears or trauma.


  • Can I practice Breathwork at home by myself?
    This question I have been given many times. You can practice some soft breathwork and pranayama at home by yourself if you have enough practice being guided through Breathwork before. But you SHOULD NOT PRACTICE INTENSIVE BREATHWORK (holotropic breathwork or other styles) alone, for this you will need someone to hold space. The reason is that if you encounter something that you are not sure how to navigate, instead of releasing blockages and emotional traumas, you can strengthen them. In order to truly free yourselves from those emotional blocks and traumas, you must feel safe and receive support. , as well as receive help with the help of other special techniques to reveal what is hidden in our subconscious.
    In my own personal experience, I never do intense Breathwork by myself as I know and respect the power of Breathwork!
  • Is every Breathwork session experience the same?
    No. What comes forward can be different from session to session. During sessions, you might tap into your past life experiences, rebirth, and childhood traumas. You might have transpersonal, mystical experiences, physical or energetic experiences and release.

    When we breathe, we take the prana (“the life forth energy”) into our body (system), and that will help us with whatever is present inside or outside of us, with whatever we have stored that doesn’t serve us, and whatever is ready to be revealed and healed.

  • Is breathwork suitable for everyone?

Breathwork is generally safe for most people, but it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

  • How often should I practice breathwork?

The frequency of breathwork practice varies for each individual. Some may benefit from daily sessions, while others may find weekly or monthly sessions sufficient.

  • Can breathwork help with anxiety and depression?

Yes, breathwork can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation, reducing stress levels, and fostering emotional resilience.

  • Is breathwork similar to meditation?

While breathwork and meditation both involve focused attention on the breath, they are distinct practices. Breathwork often involves more active breathing techniques, whereas meditation typically involves stillness and silent observation of the breath.

  • Can breathwork help with physical health issues?

Breathwork has been shown to support overall physical health by improving respiratory function, increasing oxygenation of the blood, and enhancing circulation. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for specific medical concerns.

  • Do I need any prior experience to participate in a breathwork session?

No prior experience is necessary to participate in a breathwork session. Beginners are welcome, and sessions are typically guided to support participants of all levels.

  • How do I find a qualified breathwork practitioner?

You can find qualified breathwork practitioners through online directories, wellness centers, or referrals from friends or healthcare providers. Be sure to research their credentials and experience before scheduling a session.